LINDA JAY WARNER age 76, passed away Friday, February 16, 2024. Linda was a daughter, sister, aunt, cousin, friend, Korb pool swimmer, Northfield skater, teacher, companion, traveler and all around regular person. It’s been quite a life. I saw the Aurora Borealis dance across the midnight sky. I flew aerobatics in an experimental plane. My feet walked the cobbled streets of Warsaw, Krakow and Prague. The architecture of Barcelona, Toledo and Florence delighted me. On a bench in Amsterdam a stranger became a friend. My tears flowed at Terezin and Auschwitz. I stared in the eye of a humpback whale and dipped my hat into the waters of the Atlantic Ocean, the Caribbean and Mediterranean Seas; into Lakes names Erie, Cardinal and Wentworth. The waters of Cuyahgoa, Colorado, Grand, Virgin, Saco, Chagrin and Vistula rivers tickled my feet. I had a fulfilling career teaching and helped many children grow. I did my best but was never perfect. I have loved and been loved by a few and not liked by a few more. Life was not always easy but I muddled through the hard times and somehow survived. I had a good sense of humor. I tried to be a loyal friend. I became “the old lady” on my street and cherished the title. All my dogs loved me. I’ve had a good life. If you would like to do something in my memory, send a few dollars to the Cleveland Food Bank ( or the Hospice of the Western Reserve ( We have to look out for each other. You’re welcome to come and say goodbye at my burial, 11:45am, Thursday, February 22, 2024 at Lake View Cemetery (Meet at Euclid Gate).

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