We are sad to announce the death of Gary M. Thomas who suddenly passed away at his home in North Royalton on October 7, at the age of 43. Gary had a generous heart, a great smile and a kind nature. He was loved and will be missed by his mother Sharon Thomas, his older brother Denny and niece Corinne. The depth of love and happiness he shared will forever remain in our hearts. To honor Gary’s wishes there will be no funeral or memorial service.

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  1. Tanya October 12, 2024 at 3:10 pm - Reply

    I am so sorry to hear of Gary’s passing. I was friends with Gary many years ago and have great memories of him. I am so sad to hear he has passed. Sending condolences to the family. I am very sorry for your loss.

  2. Kiesha October 12, 2024 at 11:16 pm - Reply


  3. Kia Wagner October 13, 2024 at 12:48 am - Reply

    I met Gary in 2013 @ BJ’s Wholesale Club. He told me stories about his life that made me laugh. We quickly became work buddies. I left the company 6 years later. However, he would visit me at my new job, to keep me informed about what was going on. I returned to BJ’s in 2022. And, it felt like old times. Every day before he started his shift, he would come over or shout hello to me. He was my movie buddy. We shared which movies we liked. He and I, were fans of Survivor ,and The Amazing Race. I truly miss his presence, his smile, and his sarcasm. To his family, I am very sorry for your loss..And, I want you to know, that he is truly missed. It’s so hard to say good bye to yesterday! Rest in peace, Gary. Your friend, Kia.

  4. Aggie Ozello October 15, 2024 at 1:17 am - Reply

    I’m so incredibly sad to hear this. Gary was one of the good ones. He was a student in my class, and I also directed him in the theater program. He was such a hard worker and did so with a happy heart. Always smiling always positive, he was a great example to others. I have only fond memories of him. My heart breaks to hear of his sudden passing.
    Sending all of you in his family love and strength in difficult days ahead.

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