Forrest Howard Diehl was born February 06, 1916 to Emery A. Diehl and Verle Siddall Diehl in Berlin Center, Mahoning County, Ohio. Both families trace their ancestors to settlement in the colonies prior to 1700 with settlement in Mahoning and Columbia Counties, Ohio.
Education: Alliance High School, Ohio; B.A. Economics at Hiram College; Master of Education at Kent State University; advanced graduate study, Secondary Education at University of Colorado; Psychological studies, Kent State University; Claremount University Graduate College California; Oklahoma State University; and, State University of New York, Potsdam.
Professional Organizations: National Education Association; Ohio Education; Euclid Education Association; Northeast Ohio Education Association: Associate Member American Psychological Association; National and Local Council for Social Studies; Served on many local and state Education Committees.
Past Religious Service: Elder: Old Stone Church. Chaired Missions Committee; Served on Committees of Prysbytery—Chaired its Nominations Committee; Board of Directors Garden Valley Neighborhood House; Ohio Council of Churches. Elder: Plough URC in Brecon South Wales, United Kingdom; Sunday school teacher at both churches; and present member of Old Stone Church, Cleveland.
Community Service: Trustee, President and Treasurer of the Edgecliffe Beach Club in Euclid Ohio; and, Boy Scout Executive.
Military Service: Disabled veteran of two wars with service throughout the United States, North Africa, India, Burma, and China. A survivor of the HMS Rhona, destroyed by German radio controlled air to surface missile in the Mediterranean Sea on November26, 1943 with losses of 1,138 personnel which consisted of 115 Indian based crew members, 5 British Officers, 3 Red Cross workers, leaving 1,014 American Military as fatalities. Separated from service on temporary retired list for disability.
Fraternal Organizations: Raised October 22, 1947 in Osiris Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons #26, Exhalted in Mt. Pleasant Chapter #13 Royal Arch Masons, Received Adoniram Council #2 Royal and Select Masters, Knighted in Washington Comandary #2Knights Templars, Almos temple AAOMS; all of the District of Columbia. Demitted to Tyrian Chapter #91 served as High Priest, Grand Chapter Region H Education Officer, Ohio Order of High Priesthood. Demitted to Windermere Council #113 Royal and Select Master Masons, Ohio Council of Anointed Kings. Server as Chaplain 7 Cryptic Arch. Demitted to Couer de Lion Commandary #64 Knights Templars served as Commander. Seventh Division Past Commanders Association. Shannon Council, Knight Masons of Ireland. Past advisor Portage and Euclid City Chapter, Order of DeMolay. One Grand Club Ohio Masonic Home. 32° Ancient Accepted Scottish Rite, Valley of Cleveland. Member Brechnock Lodge #651 Free and Accepted Masons, United Grand Lodge of England. Ohio Priory #18 Knight York Cross Honor.
Personal: Mr. Diehl is a retired teacher of the Euclid Schools. With his late wife Helen, after retiring, resided in Brecon, Wales United Kingdom for nine years. He lived with his son Paul and his wife Wendy and grandson Forrest Roger for 17 years before moving to The Van Gorder Manor Assisted living Home in Willoughby Ohio. His daughter Carol Diehl Davies lives in Liverpool England. A son, Forrest E. lives in Mentor-on- the Lake.
Mr. Diehl has four grandchildren; Daniel Rohrer, Ben Davies, Jesse Davies, and Forrest Roger Diehl. He also has three great grandchildren; Connor Rohrer, Olivia Rohrer and Josha Rohrer.