WOLFF, ALLEN ALLEN WOLFF, D.V.M. of Brunswick passed away Tuesday, October 23 at Hospice of Medina County following a valiant battle with cancer. Allen was born January 27, 1932 in Springfield, Massachusetts to Emil and Dorothy (Brown) Wolff. He grew up in the Bronx and Albany, New York, and graduated from Albany High School in 1949 where he competed on the cross country and track teams. He was also an Eagle Scout and served on the staff of Big Moose Wilderness Scout Camp, teaching bird study, canoeing, and riflemanship. At Michigan State College, Allen participated on the track team, livestock judging team, ROTC, and was elected to the 35-member Blue Key Men's Honorary. He paid part of his college expenses by performing magic tricks at clubs and parties for $5 and $10, as well as shearing sheep. He earned a Bachelor of Science in Agriculture in 1953, as a Distinguished Military Graduate. While attending The Ohio State University College of Veterinary Medicine, Allen met his future wife Martha Jane Riemenschneider, who typed his first scientific paper. He paid his tuition there by shearing sheep and serving in the Ohio National Guard, and graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in ...Read More