HEINKE, LOWELL Lowell Lock Heinke, 81, was a prominent patent attorney based in Cleveland, Ohio. He was a founding partner of Watts, Hoffman, Fisher and Heinke. Some of his most notable work included the licensing and patenting of the original liquid crystal technology developed at Kent State University. Lowell was valedictorian of his class of 1950 at Coshocton High School. He was a multi-sport varsity athlete. As a standout player on the varsity football squad, he was offered several athletic scholarships and was even considered for the Browns training camp. He ultimately attended Case Institute of Technology on an academic scholarship and graduated cum laude in 1954. He was a loyal member of the SAE fraternity. Lowell subsequently acquired a law degree from George Washington University, while working as a patent examiner for the U.S. Patent Office and as a prosecutor for the U.S. Navy. In 1959, he returned with his young family to Cleveland as an associate patent attorney in the intellectual property law firm of Ely, Pearne and Gordon. In 1980, Lowell served as president of the Cleveland Patent Law Association. Lowell was an avid fly fisherman and long-time member of the Lake Mansfield Trout Club. He had ...Read More