Joann Michèlle – 4/1/61 to 12/23/19 "Things don't have purposes, as if the universe were a machine, where every part has a useful function. What's the function of a galaxy? I don't know if our life has a purpose and I don't see that it matters. What does matter is that we are." -Ursula LeGuin, Lathe of Heaven Joann Michèlle, 58, died Monday, December 23rd, 2019 in Lakewood, Ohio. Joann was born on April 1st, 1961 in Youngstown, Ohio – perhaps being born on April Fool’s Day is what gave her such a unique and goofy sense of humor, for which she will be forever remembered. Joann was a loving mother to her two daughters, Jayni and Maree Rasmussen, instilling them with an appreciation of art, culture, and the outdoors. Her fierce advocacy and passion for justice inspired Jayni to pursue a career in policy, and she now works to expand equitable access to nature. Joann famously took her daughters to museums instead of amusement parks or malls while they were growing up, much to the chagrin of her daughters and their friends. Instead of season passes to Cedar Point, the family had annual memberships to the Western Reserve Historical ...Read More